11 tips on how to start a business
What you really need to know when getting your business off the ground
Read our 11-point guide on how to set up a business to help you get up and running.
Your guide to a successful business plan
A good business plan defines what you want to achieve and how you intend to achieve it. Our guide could help you write yours.
It’s important that you define what type of small business you are so that everyone you work with understands what you’re trying to achieve. A comprehensive business plan is the best way to go about defining your business.
Your plan should include:
Make sure you know as much as possible about who will be buying from you. For example, if you’re marketing to consumers, here are some questions you might want to ask. Knowing the answers will help you promote your business much more effectively:
The name you choose for your business should reflect the image you want to project to your market. Pick one that’s easy to pronounce and remember, but do some research first. Make sure your chosen name is not already in use, it’s available as a web address and will work on your business stationery. You may also consider looking into the name’s meaning in different countries and languages – especially if you see yourself expanding internationally in the future.
If you have the facilities, you could test various names to see how people from your proposed customer base react. There are companies that provide this service, or you could do it informally by asking friends and family.
If you take on employees – even part-time – you’ll need to familiarise yourself with employment law and know how to get the best out of your staff. There are plenty of guides that will help you to understand the law and make decisions to suit your business, such as the number of employees you need, what you should offer them and if they will be contractors or permanent.
Here are some key things to consider:
When you write your business plan, remember to be clear, realistic and concise. It’s important to consider that someone reading it in the future might not be familiar with jargon or more technical terms, so writing it in plain English is advisable.
You should use research and, if possible, evidence, to support your conclusions and include an action plan. Nothing needs to be set in stone, however; business plans are dynamic documents – meaning that you should adjust your plan as your business develops.
See our in-depth guide to writing a business plan [PDF, 6.2MB]
What you really need to know when getting your business off the ground
Read our 11-point guide on how to set up a business to help you get up and running.
Banking that lets you spend more time on your business
Starting a business means there's more to think about than managing your bank account, so we give you the online tools and expertise to help you grow.
Got a big idea? Find out how to protect it
The Intellectual Property (IP) rights of your business determine the value of your idea, so a copyright, patent or trademark is essential.