How long can I keep my Help to Buy: ISA?
You can keep saving into the ISA until 30 November 2029. The deadline for claiming the Help to Buy: ISA bonus from the government is on or before 1 December 2030.
How do I check my balance and transactions?
You can manage your ISA using the Barclays app. Registering for the app is simple, if you haven’t already. You can also manage your ISAs in Online Banking, by phone or at a branch.
What’s the interest rate?
See the rate we’re currently paying on our Help to Buy: ISA and check your monthly top-up limit.
How much can I pay in?
You can pay in up to £1,200 in the calendar month of first deposit, and up to £200 in each calendar month after that until November 2029. You can even set up a savings goal in our app and track your progress.
Can I set up a standing order?
You can set up a standing order to pay your monthly subscription into your Help to Buy: ISA using Online Banking, the Barclays app, by phone (if you’re registered) or by visiting a branch.
The maximum monthly subscription is £200. If the date you choose subsequently falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, your standing order will be paid the next working day, so it’s best to avoid the last few days of the month. Your payment could fall into the following month and you might miss your monthly subscription.
Can I transfer-in from another ISA?
Yes, you can transfer-in using Online Banking, Telephone Banking (0345 744 5445 ) if you’ve registered for these services, or by visiting a branch. You’ll need to have opened a Help to Buy: ISA with us by the deadline of 30 November 2019.
Can I withdraw money from my
Help to Buy: ISA?
You can take out money whenever you want. Just remember that making withdrawals means it will take longer to build up your savings, as you can only pay in up to £200 per month. Also, the bonus amount you receive from the government is based on the closing balance by the time you claim.