The Barclays app
Join 10 million Barclays customers using our app2
Use your phone or tablet to manage your accounts, send money and earn rewards
As long as you do everything you can to keep your account secure, we’ll refund any money that’s paid out without your permission.
You’re protected by our guarantee when you use Online Banking or our app.
If you tell us a payment from your account wasn’t authorised and ask us for a refund, we’ll check the details and, if appropriate, return your money as soon as we can. When we process your refund, we’ll pay money back into your account, along with any charges and interest, and pay you any interest you might have missed out on.
Please let us know immediately if you think there’s been an unauthorised payment – in other words, a payment you didn’t make yourself, from your account. We legally have to refund you within 13 months of it taking place, but we may still consider refunding you if you tell us later than this.
When you tell us about an unauthorised payment, we’ll look into it and decide if we can refund you.
We won’t refund you if we believe you acted fraudulently. We might involve the police in these cases.
We won’t refund you if you intentionally or with gross negligence:
However, if any of the payments are made using your overdraft or credit card, we’ll refund those amounts (unless you have acted fraudulently).
If we refund you but then find out you weren’t eligible, we may take some or all of the money back out of your account.
Unless you’ve acted fraudulently, we’ll refund you where:
An authorised push payment (APP) scam is where:
APP scams aren’t covered by our Online Banking guarantee. If you think you’ve been the victim of an authorised push payment scam, please tell us as soon as possible, so that we can try to recover your money or check if we can give you a refund.
Call us if you’ve been the victim of an APP scam:
Find out more at barclays.co.uk/fraud-and-scams
Here are some steps you should take to keep your account safe.
PINs, passwords and passcodes
Your computer, smartphone or tablet
Everyday banking
Join 10 million Barclays customers using our app2
Use your phone or tablet to manage your accounts, send money and earn rewards
You can give your security details to authorised companies that need this information to provide account information and payment initiation services. By ‘authorised’, we mean companies authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, or another European regulator, to provide the relevant service. In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority’s register (https://register.fca.org.uk) tells you if a company is authorised. Always consider the implications of sharing your security details and other personal information.Return to reference
You must be 16 or over and have a Barclays current account, mortgage account or a Barclaycard to use the Barclays app. If you're 11 to 15, you can use another version of the app. Terms and conditions applyReturn to reference