
Welcome packs

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Everything you wanted to know about our current accounts and add-on insurance Packs – browse our full list available for download.

Welcome packs

You’ll need a PDF file viewer installed to open these documents.

Welcome packs for current accounts

Barclays Bank Account explore your account factsheet [PDF, 290KB]

Barclays Basic Current Account explore your account factsheet [PDF, 142KB]

Premier Banking Current Account explore your account factsheet [PDF, 134KB]

BarclayPlus explore your account factsheet [PDF, 241KB]

Young Persons Account explore your account factsheet [PDF, 270KB]

Student Additions explore your account factsheet [PDF, 209KB]

Higher Education Account explore your account factsheet [PDF, 238KB]

Statement of lender and borrow responsibilities [PDF, 186KB]

Terms and conditions for Personal customers

Barclays Tariff for Personal Customers – Our Bank Charges Explained [PDF, 396KB]

Welcome packs for Features Store Packs1

If you’ve purchased one of our Packs, you’ll find all the terms and conditions, key exclusions, information on registering for your benefits and important phone numbers using the links below.

Tech Pack welcome pack – purchased on or after 21 April 2021 [PDF, 7. 1MB]

Tech Pack Lite welcome pack [PDF, 2.4 MB]

Travel Pack welcome pack – Purchased on or after 19 January 2021 [PDF, 3MB]

Travel Plus Pack welcome pack - Purchased on or after 19 January 2021 [PDF, 1.3MB]

Breakdown Cover Pack welcome pack [PDF, 1.5MB]

Information on insurance and accounts that are no longer available to purchase

Travel Pack welcome pack – Purchased before 19 Jan 2021 [PDF, 1.2MB] 

Travel Plus Pack welcome pack – Purchased before 16 June 2021 [PDF, 1.2MB]

Tech Pack welcome pack – purchased before 21 April 2021 [PDF, 1.01 MB]

Travel Pack welcome pack  – If you opened your pack before 19th January 2021 and we have written to tell you your terms are changing then these are your new terms.  [PDF, 5.6MB]

Travel Plus Pack welcome pack  – If you opened your pack before 19th January 2021 and we have written to tell you your terms are changing then these are your new terms.  [PDF, 6.2MB]

Tech Pack welcome pack – If you opened before 21 April 2021 and we have written to tell you your terms are changing then these are your new terms. [PDF, 1.01 MB]

Fees and charges for accounts no longer available [PDF, 804KB]

Premier Travel Plus Pack [PDF, 5.6MB]

Premier Tech welcome pack [PDF, 1.9KB]

Home Pack welcome pack [PDF, 2.4MB]

Apply in the Barclays app

Tap the logo you need, and it’ll take you straight to the app in your app store2.

Get the Barclays app for your device. Your application will begin when you first open the app.