
Barclays Business Account tariff calculator

Estimate your charges

Tariff calculator

Find out how much you could save with the tariff rates and charges on our finance options and services, including the rates on our savings accounts compared with the account you currently have.

The tariff we can offer you depends on whether you do your banking at a branch counter or use the lowest-cost alternatives, like Post Offices or self-service machines. This calculator will show you how much you could save by choosing the lowest-cost option.

Payment type
Simple electronic payments2
Cheques in
Cheques out
Cash in
Cash out
Note and coin exchange
Monthly account fee
Barclays Business Account

Cash and cheques through branch counter

Simple electronic payments2 £Free per transaction

Barclays app or Online Banking

Cheques in £1.20 per transaction

Branch counter, Post Office or Barclays Collect3

Cheques out £0.60 per transaction

Cheque book

Cash in £1.20 per £100

Branch counter

Cash out £1.20 per £100

Branch counter

Cash out £2.40 per £100

Branch counter or Post Office

Monthly account fee £8.50
Barclays Business Account

Cash and cheques through lower cost alternative

Simple electronic payments2 £Free per transaction

Barclays app or Online Banking

Cheques in £0.60 per transaction

Barclays app and self-service devices

Cheques out £0.60 per transaction

Cheque book

Cash in £0.60 per £100

Self-service devices, Post Office4 or Barclays Collect5

Cash out £Free per £100

Cash machines or Post Office

Note and coin exchange £2.40 per £100

Branch counter or Post Office

Monthly account fee £8.50
Enter your average monthly transactions in each box and leave any you don’t use blank. When you’re finished, select ‘Calculate’ to see how much you could pay.

Thank you. Below, you'll see your estimated monthly charges, based on what you've entered above.
If your business uses cash or cheques, the results will compare the cost of using a branch counter to the lower cost alternatives - helping you to see where you could save.
This estimation is only a guide, it won't include fees or charges for any other services that aren't listed below.
If you're an existing customer and want to compare this estimation to your current banking charges, please refer to your latest 'Pre-notified statement of charges.'; You can find this under 'Statements and documents' in your Online Banking or the Barclays app¹.

Payment type & Number of payments
Simple electronic payments2
Cheques in
Cheques out
Cash in
Cash out
Note and coin exchange
Monthly account fee
Barclays Business Account

Cash and cheques through branch counter

Simple electronic payments2
£Free per transaction

Barclays app or Online Banking

Cheques in
£1.20 per transaction

Branch counter, Post Office or Barclays Collect3

Cheques out
£0.60 per transaction

Cheque book

Cash in
£1.20 per £100

Branch counter

Cash out
£1.20 per £100

Branch counter

Note and coin exchange
£2.40 per £100

Branch counter or Post Office

Monthly account fee
Per month
Total per month using branch counter
Barclays Business Account

Cash and cheques through lower cost alternative

Simple electronic payments2
£Free per transaction

Barclays app or Online Banking

Cheques in
£0.60 per transaction

Barclays app and self-service devices

Cheques in
£0.60 per transaction

Cheque book

Cash in
£0.60 per £100

Self-service devices, Post Office4 or Barclays Collect5

Cash out
£Free per £100

Cash machines or Post Office

Cash out
£2.40 per £100

Branch counter or Post Office

Monthly account fee
Per month
Total per month using lowest cost channels

1. You need to be 18 or over to access this product or service using the app. T&Cs apply.
2. Includes Faster Payments, Direct Debits and standing orders.
3. Only available for cheques up to a value of £2,000.
4. Transaction limits apply.
5. Additional Barclays Collect charges may apply.