
Submitting your supporting documents


Why do I need to submit these documents?

It’s a legal requirement for us to have proof of your business trading address.

I can't log in to upload my documents – what should I do?

If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it by selecting the ‘Forgot your password?’ link on the log-in page. If you still can’t log in, wait 30 minutes and try again.

I can’t provide the documents you’ve asked me for – can you still open my account?

Legally, we need the documents we’ve asked for. If you can’t provide them, we won’t be able to take your application any further. If you need help, please use our web chat.

Why has my document been rejected?

Your document may have been rejected for one of the following reasons

  • It’s not legible

We’ve been unable to clearly read the content of the document. Please make sure it’s clear and that the details can be easily read.

  • The date is incorrect

Please make sure the document is dated and within the specified date range.

  • It doesn’t have the correct name

Please make sure the document shows one of the following names, based on

○ If you’re a sole trader, please make sure your documents include either your name or your business trading name
○ If your business is registered as a limited company, please make sure your documents show either the registered name or the trading name

  • The document type is incorrect

Please make sure the document you upload is the correct type. You’ll find out which documents we can and can’t accept from the information provided in our secure portal.

  • Your business address isn’t correct

Please make sure the document shows the right trading address. We can’t accept virtual addresses.

Is there another way for me to provide my documents?

The quickest and most efficient way to provide your documents is by using our secure link we’ve emailed to you. This will let you upload your documents to your personal portal.

If you need help, please use our web chat.

Can I take my documents into a branch instead?

Unfortunately we can’t accept documents in branch. Please upload your documents from the link we’ve emailed to you.

If you’re unable to upload the documents and require help, please use our web chat

I may have put an incorrect email address when submitting my details, what should I do?

Please use our web chat

I’ve uploaded my documents, when will my account be opened?

When you’ve uploaded your documents, we’ll then carry out our checks. There’s no need to contact us, we’ll let you know if we need anything else. When your account is opened, we’ll send you a text to let you know.

I’ve received an email saying there’s a problem with my documents, what do I need to do?

You’ll need to upload them again by logging in to the link we emailed to you.

From there, you can see why the document needs to be uploaded again. Please make sure your documents can be clearly read, are dated correctly and show at least one of the following names, based on

  • If you’re a sole trader, please make sure your documents include either your name or your business trading name
  • If your business is registered as a limited company, please make sure your documents show either the registered name or the trading name