
Updating your business details

Keeping your account details up to date

Keep your business details up to date to help prevent financial crime

Do we still have the right details for you?

From time to time, we’ll ask you to update your details and any information you’ve given us before. Your details might not have changed, but we’ll still need to know this.

This is so our records are accurate and up to date, which helps us protect your account and prevent financial crime.

How we’ll contact you

When we need to check we have the right details for you, we’ll try to contact you by sending you either an email or a letter in the post, using the contact details we have for you. Once you’ve got the form, follow the simple instructions on it.

What you need to do if we ask for your details

Complete either the online or paper form and provide any supporting documents we’ve asked for.

If you’re completing the paper form, you’ll need to sign it and post it to KYC Refresh Team, Barclays, Leicester, LE87 2BB.

We’ll let you know if there’s anything else you need to do.

We might need to put restrictions on your account until you’ve sent us the information we’ve asked for. You might not be able to:

  • Apply for new products or services
  • Apply for any lending.

Once you complete all sections of the form, we shouldn’t need to contact you again. If you don’t confirm your business details, we may have to close your account.

Complete and return the form

Find out if you’re eligible to use our online form by clicking on the banner at the top of your Online Banking business home page. We’ll also send you an email, to remind you to complete it.

If you’re not eligible to use the online form, we’ll post a paper form to you.

We’ll also save a copy of the paper form in Online Banking. To find it, log into Online Banking and select ‘Profile’, ‘My Barclays documents’ then ‘Letters’. The letter you need is called ‘Business Banking – Information request’. You’ll need to print and return this by post – you can’t send it to us electronically.

Need some help?

You can check our FAQs for guidance.

If you have any more questions, log in to our app1or Online Banking and send us a message from the ‘Help’ section. If you’ve got app notifications turned on, we’ll let you know when we’ve replied so you don’t need to wait.

Please call us if:

  • You haven’t received a letter, or can’t print it from ‘Statements and documents’ in Online Banking
  • You’ve got a message asking you to complete the form online, but you can’t see the link on your Online Banking business home page.

The number to call is 0330 058 00872and select option one. We're here Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.


If you need more information about updating your business details, please call us3 on 0330 058 0087 (option 1) – we’re here Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.