Bounce Back Loan repayment calculator
Work out how much your Bounce Back Loan monthly repayments will be with our repayment calculator. You can factor in the government's Pay as you Grow options too.
- Extend your loan term from the standard six years to ten years
- Make interest-only repayments for six months. You can do this up to three times
- Take a repayment holiday and make no loan repayments for six months. You can do this once
Please note that the amounts we show you are indicative and could vary from your actual repayment amount.
All Bounce Back Loans have these standard features
- A loan amount of between £2,000 and £50,000
- A fixed interest rate of 2.5%
- No payments for the first 12 months – the government will pay the interest during this time
- A six-year loan term (the first year of this is your repayment holiday)
- Your capital payment amount will be the same each month, but you’ll pay less interest each month as you repay the loan. This means your first monthly repayment will be the highest
How Bounce Back Loan repayments work
- A standard Bounce Back Loan has a 2.5% fixed interest rate over a six-year term, with no principal repayments for the first 12 months
- Your capital repayment amount is the same each month, but you pay less interest each month as you repay the loan. This means your first new monthly repayment (or your first repayment after a repayment holiday ends) will be the highest and repayments will then reduce each month until the loan ends
- You can make overpayments whenever you like, or repay the loan in full at any time, with no early repayment charges – even if you use Pay as you Grow
- Please note that the amounts we show you are indicative and could vary from your actual repayment amount
- If your circumstances change, or you’re not sure you’ll be able to make your monthly loan repayments, please talk to your Business Relationship team
- Get free and impartial advice about business debt, and develop your business money management skills, through our business money management page

Bounce Back Loan scheme
Supporting UK businesses during coronavirus
The Bounce Back Loan Scheme closed for new applications and top-ups on 31 March 2021.
If you already have a Bounce Back Loan with us, the quickest way to apply for Pay as you Grow is in Online Banking or the Barclays app.
If you want Pay as you Grow to start from your next loan payment, you need to apply at least 20 days before that payment is due.

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