A red and white Welcome sign hanging in a window of a shop

Your dedicated team

Focused support throughout your journey

With experts across the UK, we’ll use our deep understanding of the entrepreneurial journey and landscape to support you and your business.

Your relationship team

Experts, located in all UK regions and growth clusters, who truly understand the entrepreneur and high-growth ecosystem, whatever your sector.

Dedicated, onshore support team

Our team of specialists, ready as your first port of call to resolve any day-to-day queries.

Premier Banking membership

You may be eligible for Premier, to enjoy the best we have to offer in one place, and exclusive rewards, at no extra cost. T&Cs apply.

Venture capital coverage unit

Our unit to help us serve the entire start-up and scale-up ecosystem, by working closely with VCs and businesses as they develop together.

Request a call-back

If you think our High Growth & Entrepreneurs service is right for you and your business, leave us your details here and we’ll be in touch.