
Sustainability and consumer behaviour

Things for you to consider

Consumer behaviour is changing in a number of ways. More people are looking to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle or make ethical lifestyle choices. To market your products, services and offerings successfully, it’s important to understand what’s influencing your customers’ buying choices. If you’re interested in finding out more, there’s some useful research that can help you understand how your customers think about sustainability.1

Deloitte consumer behaviour research

In July 2022, Deloitte surveyed consumer attitudes to environmental and ethical sustainability. They researched

  • How people are adopting a more sustainable lifestyle
  • The main barriers to sustainable behaviour
  • The most valued environmentally sustainable and ethical practices
  • What consumers need in order to lead a more sustainable lifestyle
  • How COVID-19 impacted consumers' moves towards a more sustainable lifestyle

You can read their findings for free.

Google interactive feature

In May 2021, Google created an interactive feature on sustainability and the UK consumer. The feature explored​

  • UK consumer interest in sustainability​
  • Growth in user searches for sustainability​
  • Attitudes and behaviours ​towards sustainability
  • Consumer behaviour due to the impact of COVID-19

These findings are available for free.

Google consumer trends research

In October 2021, Google published an article about three ways people have prioritised sustainability in the wake of the pandemic. The article covers

  • How making small changes can be motivational
  • How eco-friendly changes can be easy
  • The importance of rewarding progress, not perfection

Simon-Kucher research

In October 2021, Simon-Kucher & partners wrote an article on the role consumers play in a sustainable future. The article covers

  •  How consumer attitudes towards sustainability are changing
  • The importance of sustainability when buying something
  • Whether sustainability means higher prices
  • Why sustainability is important in business​
  • How companies should respond to the sustainability trend 

IBM research

In 2020, IBM researched how consumers are driving change and why, in addition to sustainability, brands must focus on being available whenever, however and wherever the demand is. The article looks at how

  • Shopping behaviours have changed​
  • The importance of sustainability to consumers has increased
  • Values are as important as value

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How to get started

Learn how you can get started on your journey towards a more sustainable business.