Calculate your potential solar savings
Estimate how much your business could save by installing a solar photovoltaic system.
Your potential savings are estimated using your location, property details, solar panel size and energy-usage times.1
Switching to small-scale solar panels
Estimate how much your business could save by installing a solar photovoltaic system.
Your potential savings are estimated using your location, property details, solar panel size and energy-usage times.1
Energy Saving Trust have put together a comprehensive guide to solar panels.
Make an informed business decision with information about savings benefits, property considerations, optimisation and maintenance.
Since 1 January 2020, the Smart Export Guarantee has allowed small-scale generators to sell their surplus renewably-generated energy back to the National Grid.
That means your business could make extra money from the solar energy you don’t use.
Find out what financial options we could offer to help you transition to small scale solar panels.
If you’re thinking about electric vehicles for your business, you’ll also need to think about how to charge them. We could help your business cover these extra costs with our finance options.
If you’re thinking about changing from diesel or petrol to electric vehicles, we can help your business with our finance options.
If you use halogen light bulbs and you’d like to save on your energy bills by changing to LED lighting, we can help you finance this.