Help with Business accounts

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  • Who we serve

    Specialised planning and investment-led services for wealthy individuals, professionals, charities and entrepreneurs.

  • Life insurance cover calculator

    Life insurance calculator: life insurance quotes from £6 per month. Work out how much cover you need. UK's #1 term assurance provider. Get a quote now.

  • Your pension options at retirement

    With changes to pension freedom rules, there are more choices than ever to help you live the life you want in retirement. So, what are they?

  • Remortgage with us

    Whether you’re moving home or buying a new property, we offer great-value remortgage deals. See if you could get a lower interest rate with Barclays.

  • How dividends are taxed

    Learn how dividends are taxed and how this could affect your investment income. Dividend tax rules can change and their effects depend on circumstances.

  • The Lifetime ISA explained

    Learn how a lifetime ISA can help you save for a home or retirement.

  • How to buy shares

    Once you’re happy with your risk level, you can start building your portfolio. Learn more on how to buy shares online and share dealing. Capital at risk.

  • 2-Year Flexible Bond

    With a flexible bond, you can earn a fixed rate of interest on your money while still being able to access some of it. Explore our 2-Year Flexible Bond.

  • Take control of your next step

    Get advice on all aspects of life from Barclays, from buying a home to saving for retirement. Watch the videos filmed by staff for tips and advice.

  • Carbon mentor telephone consultations from SaveMoneyCutCarbon

    Read the terms and conditions for a carbon mentor telephone consultation with SaveMoneyCutCarbon.

  • View all results
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