
Your Money 1:1

Exclusively for Blue Rewards customers

Join our new Money 1:1 service and match with one of our specially trained Barclays Money Mentors®. Set clear, short-term money goals and build a plan with them to save a set amount over three months.

They’ll help you embed new money habits into your life, check in with you between your sessions to keep you on track, share their expert tips, and help you to make smarter money decisions.

Our aim is that by the end of the service, you’ll have a clear financial plan, have saved your target amount, and feel more confident with how you spend.

Spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so register today to avoid disappointment. 

Barclays Money Mentors® don’t provide specific, personalised financial advice. Individual circumstances can vary, so we recommend that you get professional advice if you need it.