
Latest scams

Latest scams

Scammers are quick to adapt – and we’re constantly uncovering new scams.

If you receive an unexpected call and you’re not sure it’s from us, end the call. Then call us back from a different phone, or call a friend to make sure the scammers aren’t still on the line.

Here you can find out about the latest scams and what you need to watch out for. You can also find out how to protect yourself against common scams.

Social engineering

Social engineering is when scammers trick you into giving them confidential or personal information, then use it to help them scam you. 

They’ll pretend to be from your bank, the police, or other trustworthy organisations and ask for private information, such as your date of birth, bank account details and one-time passcodes.

They use this information to get access to your accounts or trick you into falling for a bigger scam. 


Featured new scams

Whatsapp Scams

Mobile malware

Criminals sneak harmful software onto your mobile device and then use it to steal from you. They hide the software in apps and updates, so you install it without realising. Once it's on your device, the software can steal your personal details, online passwords and app log-in details.


Cost of living scams

Safe account scams

Scammers pose as your bank, the police or other trustworthy organisations to convince you to send your money to them. 

They’ll often tell you that your money is at risk and you need to act urgently, moving your money to a ‘safe account’. Remember – we’ll never call and ask you to move your money to a ‘safe account’.

Romance Scams

One-time passcode scams

Scammers trick you into sharing a one-time passcode over the phone or entering it on a fake website. You might think you’re authorising a genuine payment, registering to receive money or confirming your identity. Instead, the scammer uses the passcode to authorise a fraudulent card payment, access your bank account, or add your card to their digital wallet.

Social engineering and safe account scams

Winter fuel scams

Criminals are posing as the government and using the 'Winter Fuel Payment' scheme to get your personal information so they can scam you.

They'll message and ask you to update your information or complete an application to get your Winter Fuel Payment. They’ll direct you to a fake government or energy website that asks you to enter your card details. Then, they’ll use them to make fraudulent payments.

Latest scams

Take Five to protect yourself

We’re teaming up with UK Finance, who’ve launched their ‘Take Five to Stop Fraud’ campaign to help keep you safe from fraud and scams. Following these steps can help protect you and your money.

 1. Stop

Take a moment to stop and think before giving out your personal or payment details.

2. Challenge

Could it be fake? It’s okay to reject, refuse or ignore any requests you think seem suspicious – only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

3. Protect

If you believe you’ve been targeted by scammers, report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or at actionfraud.police.uk. If you’re in Scotland, please report it to Police Scotland directly by calling 101.

Get more tips at takefive-stopfraud.org.uk. 

What to do with a suspicious message 

If you get an email or text that claims to be from us but looks suspicious, please forward it, along with any attachments if possible, to internetsecurity@barclays.com.

You can also forward any suspicious emails to report@phishing.gov.uk. The National Cyber Security Centre will test the validity of the site and will remove it immediately if it’s a phishing scam.

More information 

Visit our fraud and scams page for tips on how to spot scams and protect your money.

Check out our article on fraud and scams that explains how anyone could be vulnerable to scammers.