Removing yourself from a joint account
You can ask to be removed from a joint account if the account isn’t overdrawn. If you’re overdrawn and want to be removed from a joint account, please contact us.
Once you’ve been removed from it:
- You’ll still be able to see account statements until the date you were removed, in Online Banking and your app. You can also order copies of statements
- We’ll still send account statements to the address registered on the account. If you want to change the address for the account, you’ll need to do that before you’re removed from the account.
The quickest way to remove yourself from a joint account is usually to call us. To do that, select ‘Help’ then ‘Call us’ in your app, or call us on 0345 734 5345. Lines on are open 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday.
You can also complete and sign a ‘Remove joint account holder’ form, and send it to the address on the form.