How do I set up or change a Direct Debit for my Barclaycard?

 Set up a Direct Debit in either the Barclays or Barclaycard app, depending on which one you have.

Set up a Direct Debit in the Barclays app.

Using the Barclaycard app?

Select ‘Pay options’ in your Barclaycard app to see your Direct Debits, then ‘Barclaycard Direct Debit’. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish setting up your payment.

If you have a joint account that needs two or more account holders to set up a Direct Debit, you'll need to download a paper mandate form. Please complete the form and make sure it’s signed by all the necessary account holders before sending it back to us.

Once you've set up the Direct Debit, it’ll take up to 10 days to be activated. As soon as it is, we'll send you a letter to confirm. Please ensure you make any payments that are due before then.

Changing or cancelling a Direct Debit

You can change or cancel your Direct Debit in the same place you set it up.