Help with Mortgages Fixed-rate mortgages

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  • Take care of your credit score

    Buying a house or owning a business might not be on your radar right now, but you should still manage your money today to prepare for your future plans.

  • Spending sensibly

    to help control your spending.

  • Keeping your spending in check

    Higher prices and rises in the cost of living mean it’s vital to manage your money as best you can.

  • Losing your job

    If you’ve recently lost your job, we’ve got some tips to help you prepare your next steps.

  • Authorised users

    If you want help managing your account, you can sign someone you trust up as an additional

  • Barclays Bank Account

    Open an account that rewards you for banking with us, and gives you instant access to an app

  • Help with gambling

    Is your gambling habit affecting you or your loved ones? Discover how to get the support you need and keep control of your finances.

  • Neurodiversity

    If you have difficulty with words and numbers, we’ve got a range of services designed to help.

  • Blind or visual impairment

    If you’re blind, have sight-impairment or difficulty reading, we can give you large-print, Braille and audio paperwork and other tools.

  • Fraud and scam events

    Watch past webinars for expert insights and advice on how to help keep your money safe.

  • View all results
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