Help with Savings and investments Bonds

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  • How to maximise allowances before the tax year end

    There are several ways you can make the most of annual allowances before the end of the tax year, but also some things you may want to avoid.

  • Investing in international markets

    Explore international markets with Barclays. Currency fluctuations may affect the value of international equities.

  • Investment ISA

    Grow your money by investing up to £20,000 in our Investment (Stocks & Shares) ISA per year tax-free. Investments can fall in value as well as rise.

  • More about Bed and ISA

    'Bed and ISA' is when you sell shares or investments you have and transfer the proceeds into an ISA.

  • Beginner’s guide to investing

    Knowing where to start isn't easy. Our beginner’s guide to investing takes you through six short steps to help you set out on your investing journey.

  • More about Bed and ISA

    Bed and ISA is when you sell shares or investments you have and transfer the proceeds into an ISA.

  • Diversifying your investments – why does it matter?

    Diversification means investing across a wide range of different asset classes and geographical areas to help reduce the overall risk of losing money.

  • Our fees and interest rates

    A simple pricing structure to make it easy to understand your investment account costs. Your fees depend on your transactions and investment value.

  • Corporate actions explained

    Corporate actions can lead to share price movement. It's important to understand the types of corporate action and how they can affect your investments.

  • The Budget

    Find out more about the latest Spring Budget announcements and what these changes could mean for you.

  • View all results
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