How do I know if an automated voice call from Barclays is genuine?
You may get a call from out automated systems to confirm a recent transaction as part of our routine checks for suspicious activity on your accounts and to protect you from fraud.
If we do call you, we’ll never ask for your passcodes, passwords, PIN, PINsentry codes, card details or any other sensitive account information. You’ll be asked to confirm your date of birth from a list of options and then confirm up to 5 recent transactions. That’s all.
If the automated voice system can’t reach you, we’ll leave a message asking you to call +44 (0)845 355 2441*, which is also an automated service. If you don’t recognise the transaction, you’ll be put straight through to one of our fraud advisers.
If you get a call, voicemail or text from someone claiming to be from our fraud team and you think it’s suspicious, call us on 0345 050 4585* or 0345 734 5345*. You can verify the phone number that’s called you using our telephone number checker.
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