How do I know a text message asking me to confirm a transaction is from Barclays?
We'll send you a fraud alert by text message if we need to check a suspicious transaction and have a valid UK mobile number for you. You can respond by text to let us know if it’s you making the transaction or to report fraud if you don’t recognise it.
Our alerts will detail the transaction and will ask you to reply only Y or N. They won’t ask for any personal details or security information, and you should never respond to any text asking for this.
We’ll never call you to tell you how to respond to a fraud alert text message.
Texts are free to reply to in the UK and will cost no more than a standard text from other countries.
You could also receive texts to help confirm your identity
To give you greater protection against fraud, the way you pay online is changing.
New rules on payment services mean you’ll sometimes be asked to prove it really is you when making some online purchases.
One of the ways to confirm your identity will be to choose to have a text sent directly to your mobile.
Here’s what to expect when the new verification screen pops up
- Choose ‘Receive a code by text message’ and select ‘Next’
- You’ll see a new message on the verification screen telling you that a one-time verification code will be sent to your phone
- You’ll then receive a text message on your mobile, with the verification code you need to enter into the verification screen
- Once you’ve entered the verification code, follow the on-screen instructions to complete your payment
How to get ready for this
Make sure we have your up-to-date mobile phone number. We can only send verification codes to the number we have stored for you.
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Contact us by phone
Digital helpdesk
Closed nowLandline:0345 600 2323* +
From abroad:+44 247 684 2063* +
Speak to us directly using ‘Chat’ in our app. It’s secure, easy to use, and we’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’ll send you a notification when we reply, so there’s no need to wait in the app. You must be 16 or over to use the app. Terms and conditions apply.
- Mon
- 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Tue
- 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Wed
- 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Thu
- 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Fri
- 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Sat
- Closed
- Sun
- Closed
- Public holiday
- Closed
Premier banking
Open 24/7, including holidaysLandline:0800 924 7365
The quickest way to speak to us is using 'Live chat' in our app. It's fast and secure, and our team are available 24/7.
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Closed nowLandline:0345 734 5345
From abroad:+44 24 7684 2100
- Mon
- 8.00am to 8.00pm
- Tue
- 8.00am to 8.00pm
- Wed
- 8.00am to 8.00pm
- Thu
- 8.00am to 8.00pm
- Fri
- 8.00am to 8.00pm
- Sat
- 9.00am to 5.00pm
- Sun
- Closed
- Public holiday
- Closed
- Important Information
- *
We’re experiencing a high number of calls at the moment, which is having a big impact on waiting times.
Calls may be recorded so that we can monitor the quality of our service and for security purposes.
- +
To protect your security, this feature will be enabled up to 10 working days after you register for the Barclays app.
You need to be 16 or over to use the app. Terms and conditions apply.
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