Help with The Barclays app

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Search Results
  • Remortgage with us

    Whether you’re moving home or buying a new property, we offer great-value remortgage deals. See if you could get a lower interest rate with Barclays.

  • ISAs are more flexible than ever

    Flexible ISA rules offer the ability to withdraw and pay money back in, without affecting your allowance. Tax rules apply.

  • BBC micro:bit

    The BBC micro:bit is a mini computer that can help you learn how to code. We're partnering with the BBC to deliver a million micro:bits to school children.

  • Working in the UK

    Tips and advice for those looking for work in the UK – including information on visas.

  • What to do if I’ve lost or forgotten my Smart Investor log-in details, or want to change them?

    See what to do if you've lost or forgotten your Smart Investor log-in details, or you want to change them.

  • Important information

    Important legal information relating to our site including regulatory status of some of our companies and important risk warnings.

  • Wealth Multi-Asset Funds

    Our Wealth Multi-Asset Funds are available in five different profiles, designed to suit a range of client risk appetites and investment objectives.

  • Car-buying tips

    Whether it's brand new or just new to you, check out our top tips on what to look out for when buying a car.

  • Keeping your spending in check

    Higher prices and rises in the cost of living mean it’s vital to manage your money as best you can. Our tips can help you take greater control.

  • LifeSkills

    Kick-start your career with LifeSkills. Build your confidence, strengthen your CV, get interview tips and learn new skills to help you get the job you want

  • View all results
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