Welsh language policy


Welsh language policy

We’re committed to accessibility – read our Welsh language policy.

Welsh language telephone service

We have a dedicated Welsh language telephone service available on 0333 202 7450(1) 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you call outside these times, you'll be directed to one of our English centres. There may be other times when we'll need to transfer your call to other centres of expertise where staff may not be able to speak Welsh.

Policy statement

We're committed to the communities we operate in and use the Welsh language along with English within Wales.

Our bilingual policy sets out our general guiding principles in relation to providing Welsh language services in Wales. It recognises our achievements to date and will be updated as new policies, services and initiatives are introduced.


Permanent signs in both internal and external public areas of our Welsh branches are bilingual.

Merchandising and literature

Wherever possible, we'll have our core product brochures available in Welsh when they're displayed in Wales. Naturally, this merchandising material and literature will be produced to our usual high quality standards.

Corporate identity

Our personalised stationery is available in Welsh, including business cards, compliment slips and fax cover sheets.

Cash machines

In Wales, our cash machines have the option of conducting business in Welsh.

Welsh-speaking staff

The availability of Welsh speakers in our branches varies from area to area. For example, the percentage of Welsh-speaking staff in North West and South West Wales is much higher than in other areas. If you'd prefer to talk with a Welsh speaker, we'll help you do so wherever possible.

All of our Welsh-speaking branch staff wear badges with the Welsh flag or the recognised Welsh Language Commissioner badge to let you know they speak Welsh.


Where applicable, we'll consider the ability to speak Welsh desirable when assessing people for roles in Wales. When advertising externally, we'll consider issuing a Welsh-only or bilingual advert.


We'll respond in Welsh to any letters we receive written in Welsh.

Other correspondence

Not all standard letters are available in Welsh, although we review this situation regularly. Some of the most common documents we offer in Welsh include

  • Cheque books
  • Credit slips
  • Standing order forms

Cheques written in Welsh

We accept cheques written in Welsh.

Media relations

Whenever we make a press release, a Welsh spokesperson will be available.


Community Investment is a really important part of what we do at Barclays. We believe it is important that we give back to the communities we operate in.

Under our global programme Banking on Brighter Futures, we give disadvantaged people support towards financial independence and security, using our expertise as a financial services organisation to make the biggest social difference, beyond simply giving money. Across Wales we focus on our Barclays Money Skills programme which supports people to develop their financial capability and helps vulnerable people manage their finances.

Translation service

We always use an organisation or company approved by the Welsh Language Commissioner to provide our translation services. Translations of legal documents are undertaken by a Welsh-speaking bank-appointed solicitor.

Centre of expertise

Bydd Barclays yn adolygu’n rheolaidd sut y gweithredir ei bolisi dwyieithog ac yn sicrhau gwelliannau pan fo modd.

Monitoring our policy

We regularly review the implementation of our bilingual policy with a view to making improvements where we can.


We handle complaints received in Welsh in line with both our normal complaint handling process and the rules and regulations of our regulators, the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority. We provide an acknowledgement of any complaint within five working days.

Informing our staff

We inform all Barclays staff in Wales of our bilingual policy.

Would you like to know more?

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact our Welsh Language Centre on 0333 202 7450(2) .

Important information

  1. To maintain a quality service, we may monitor and record phone calls. Calls to 0800 numbers are free when calling from a UK landline or personal mobile but charges may apply when calling from abroad. Calls to 03 numbers use free plan minutes if available. Otherwise, they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls.(Return to reference)

  2. Lines are open Monday to Friday from 7am to 8pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 5pm. To maintain a quality service, we may monitor and record phone calls. Call charges.(Return to reference)