
Money On My Mind

A new series in partnership with Channel 4

We’ve partnered with Channel 4 and a team of financial experts1 to bring you an eye-opening look at the money mindsets of real people that could help you build a more positive relationship with money

Tackling the nation’s money challenges

We all have a Moneyverse. From meeting the demands of day-to-day bills to saving up for special occasions and future big spends such as education or buying a home. An outside view can often help us to understand and tackle the challenges we face in our financial journeys.

Money On My Mind partners money experts with real people across the UK who have money challenges, to dig deep into their personality traits, triggers, behaviours and attitudes to their finances – sifting through what’s working and what isn’t – to bring about lasting change for the better. 

Meet the experts

Dr Nikki Ramskill

With over 12 years of experience working as a GP and women’s health specialist, Nikki has seen the impact that poor money management skills can have on the mental and physical health of her patients. She’s on a mission to change that, and is a Sacred Money Archetypes certified coach, Certified Clearing Practitioner and Wise Monkey Financial Coach.

Emmanuel Asuquo

As a qualified financial adviser, Emmanuel has more than 15 years’ experience in the industry. He grew up in Tower Hamlets, London and is a father to 4 children, so he knows first-hand the financial challenges that families can face. He’s passionate about using his knowledge and experience to help others in all circumstances, from all walks of life.

Kia Commodore

Kia is founder of the financial literacy platform Pennies To Pounds, which enables people to shape their financial future. She presents the Pennies To Pounds podcast and provides detailed resources on its website, covering topics like credit, saving and budgeting, ISAs, loans, investing and debt. Her aim is to empower people to make money work for them.

Episode 1: Better saving habits for a busy life

I have a gardener.

You have a gardener?

£50 a month on a gardener

No wait.

No wait.

Okay, you're living that lifestyle.

£50 a month.

Sounds like a new side hustle for me.

Eman Mowers Limited.

On the road team, waayy.

Where are we off to today?

So we're off to see Alicia.

So we're off to see Alicia.

And what do we know about her?

Hi, my name's Alicia.

I'm 31 and I'm a working mum.

I've been a specialised paediatric physio for ten plus years.

But I've taken up a side hustle that I am in love with.

And I really, really need your help to help me sort my finances out.

What's your thoughts?

I've had many a side hustle throughout my time, but it all takes time you know.

It's not impossible to make it your mainstream income,but it does take time.

It definitely feels like were lost.

Are we getting lost?

6 minutes in.

Oi, oi!

Here she comes.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Thank you so much.

Why is money on your mind?

I need to manage my finances.I've had my head in the sand like an ostrich for years, and I need to learn it for myself because I've got my daughter as well.

So I just want to just have that knowledge there so that I could be able to just guide her financially as well.

You're going to get a chance to talk with us one on one,and you're going to start with.


So when did things change financially for you?

The pandemic.

I was working frontline.

I was doing 12 hours, for months.

And then by the time I burnt out from that and had time to just stop.

It was like everything came crashing down.

And that was like when I was just like, I'm drowning now.

When we become stressed at work, it's very common to start neglecting other areas of our lives, such as our bills and our health.

But even though we feel likewe're dealing with enough already, ignoring them just causes more underlying stress.

So make sure you take care of yourself and put your health first so that you have the strength to tackle these problems head on.

The most important thing to do is to speak up and ask for help if you're struggling with any money challenges.

Please don't suffer in silence.

Do you remember how your parents were with money?

Oh, my mum was a big spender.

My dad was a conscious saver.

So I had like two completely different spectrum parents.

It's often we pick up a lot of what our parents do around money, and actually that's why we end up managing money in the way we do.

So I want you to start feeling grateful for every single bill,every single thing you pay for.

Grateful for a bill?

Grateful for it.



Because, what are these bills helping you with?

It's keeping the roof over your head.


It's keeping the food on the table, keeping your house lit.


This is how you're going to feel better about the money that's leaving your life, right?


So what's happening?

Tell me.

Working so much.

I ended up developing a debt drawer.

This is where I keep all my bills.

Some have been opened, some haven't.

And once it's in the drawer,it doesn't exist anymore.

If your bills have you feeling stressed, overwhelmed and ready to give up, then the easiest fix is to sort them by the ones with the highest interest and the nearest deadlines that will give you more time to deal with the others after, and take the stress out of the situation.

We got to get rid of this.

Hopefully, by the time we're done, this door is going to be full of cutlery.


I could make it a baking drawer for my daughter.

No more debt drawer, baking drawer.

So where is your money going right now?

It's going on the maintenance for like my modeling work.

So like my wigs, I spend minimum £300 per wig.


Yeah, per one.

Just one?

Yeah, they have, The quality has to be up there.


My garden as well.

I have a gardener.

OK, you're living that life?


Talk to me.

How much are you spending on the garden?

About £50.

£50 a month?

On the garden?

 No wait.

I can't wait to see this garden.

£50 a month.

Must be massive.

This, is your garden?

This is.

I thought I was coming out to see Wembley.

He does a treatment.

What about the treatment of your bank account?

£50 a month.

Sounds like like a new side hustle for me.

Eman Mowers Limited.

TV subscriptions, take a lot of my money.

If I had to pick out of the four, there's just one that I would pick.

And that would save you what? 

Thirty, forty pounds a month?

 Probably about 45 pound a month.

45 pounds a month.

 I mean, do you know what, now we're talking, That plus the gardening is 95.

So if we round that up, that's £100 I'd say.

That's 1200 a year.


If Alicia can make these simple changes, she can save over £1,000 a year.

That money will really help her build her side hustle into the full time career she really dreams of.

You'll be surprised by making simple changes, you can have a positive, long lasting effect on your life.

Talk to me about your savings goals.

I want to have some savings for myself and not feel that I have to dip into them.

And I want to teach Amalia, my daughter, better saving management as well.

For her to be able to have that means that she won't necessarily make the mistakes that I've made.

If you want to help your kids get ahead.

I can't stress enough the importance of starting early.

From the age of five, kids can build up money confidence.

We just need to start with some budgeting basics as that is the most important skill to master when it comes to cash.

I wanted to show you a way for you to start saving.

When you start making all that money you're going to be making.

So we got ten coins and we have three cups.


One cup is for big treats.

This big.

As big as you can reach.

The next one is pocket money.

And in the final one is for giving money to help other people.

What I want you to do, is get five coins, and put it into big treats.


It's a big treat for future you.

We call this paying yourself.

Let me hear you say pay yourself.

Pay yourself.

All right.

Then I want you to put four coins into purse money.

As this builds up, When you see things that you want to buy, you can come here and you can buy it.

And the last one, only put one coin into give back.

Let me hear you say give back.

Give back

So, I'm going to give Alicia an action plan to help her to turn her finances around.

But, it's important to remember that with all of these suggestions you need to keep working on your money management.

This is for the long term, and not just a short term fix.

I've got my career as a physio, but alongside that, I've started some modeling.

Well, you're in a great position, because you've got your physio, you can use that to your advantage so you can start to figure out right, how much do you need to actually be able to fund your modeling.

Fund your side hustle, and you can start putting that away, little by little, so that eventually you can turn around and say, look, I've got the money.

Now I want to take that plunge and turn my side hustle into a full career.

So what we're going to do is figure out how much you're spending, and put that into a budget.


In the budget, create a fun fund, because quite often what you find is people will create a budget and they kind of neglect themselves.


They create a budget,  they're doing so well sticking to it, and then they want to spend on their things, so they're kind of dipping in a bit more and maybe not sticking to the budget as much.


Good job.

All right, guys.

So we got a message from Alicia, let's see what she's got to say.

Hi, guys.

Thank you all so much.

Emmanuel and Kia, I took your advice and kept up with the physio to fund my modeling, and it's really paid off.

I've been able to prioritise all my finances and get rid of things things that I didn't need.

And I even do my own gardening.

Dr Nikki, I get it now.

I am so much more positive in the way I look at money.

And yes, I can appreciate what the bills actually do for me.

Big, big news is that with me keeping up with my physio work, I have now actually become a part time physio lecturer and my modeling is taking off.

I cannot thank you guys enough.


What I love is how positive she feels about money now.

You know, she's cleared all the things that she was worried about, hasn't she.

She's got it out of her life now, and she loves paying her bills.

Never thought I'd get to say that, but yeah.

There's been a whole shift, and I'm so happy that we've been able to help her with that shift.

She embraces money, she doesn't fear it anymore.

So, guys, we've done well.

We've done well.

We have done awesome.

Well done.

So what, off to the next one?

Alicia, aged 31, spends her time juggling life as a single mum to 5-year-old daughter Amalia-Rae with a career as a physiotherapist and growing her modelling side hustle. She was a front-line worker during the pandemic and has a great salary, but wants to build a better mindset and better habits when it comes to money management.

As a mum, Alicia wants to set savings goals for the future so she can achieve milestones, like taking Amalia-Rae on their first family holiday. She also wants to make sure she passes on strong financial skills to her daughter.

How can she improve her budgeting and saving habits? The experts help Alicia tackle the underlying issues she has with money and set her on the right path to achieving her money goals. 

Episode 2: Working towards a new home

Hi, guys.

I could really use your help.

I'm trying to save up and move out.

By the time I'm 30, my money is all over the place.

My friends on social media are all buying their first houses.

I feel so far away from it.

On the road team Waay.

What do we actually know about him?

And trying to save to buy my first property.

I work full time as a paramedic.

I even have part time jobs on my days off.

Here he is.


As you're hero, as a paramedic.

And we salute you but today we're going to save you and your finances.

You have seen your friends going to the next level of thier life Uploading photos of them in front of a house with the keys and, you know, the usual stuff.

When you see people post pictures up like that, how does that make you feel?

It kind of wants me to go out and do something to help me get to that stage.

You're working a lot at the moment.

Tell me about that.


So I'm a full time paramedic with the ambulance service that also got a second job working at a GP surgery and they also do kind of event work when I have some days off.

So what's the driver behind all of the hours you're working?

I feel like I should be out there doing something to keep myself busy.

Your parents?

What they do?

My dad passed away when we were quite young, actually.

So I'm the only man in the house at the moment, so I think there's that element to it as well.

It's really easy to fall into that.

I've just got to work all the time.


The thing that concerns me is I don't want you to get burnt out.


That's one of the things that we need to look at is building some space into your diary.

Okay, so you're not working all the time.

It might be, you know, go to the cinema or you go and play cricket or whatever.

But a day where you're not thinking about work.

Yeah, absolutely.

It's important to make time for yourself away from work so you don't burn out.

Planning social events with friends and family in advance is a great way to make sure that you build time for yourself into each week.

So now we need to look into your spending and see what's essential and what's not.

So tell me what else you spending your money on?

Probably eating out, especially during shift work and things like that.

Let's talk about food then.

So when it comes to takeaways, I mean how many do you order a month?

I think working shift work and night shift especially I can imagine my spending is probably quite high.

You did show me some bank statements.


And then, you know, you spend around 3 to £400 a month on paper.

Does that sound about right?

Yeah, that is surprising.

It kills me, but.



All right.

Well, these costs can easily creep up without you noticing.

So the best idea is to look for your bank statements.

And at the moola.

Cutting out here can be a simple way of reducing your monthly outgoings.

What else are you spending your money on?

Obviously, I've got monthly car payments as well to do.



So there is over that one.



How much money does it actually set you back each month?

Probably close to a thousand.


It's a dream car.

It's great.

But one of your other dreams is also to get your house exact.

Yeah, for sure.

For sure.

So, you know, why don't we jump in and you take me to where you want to live Perfect.

Jump in.

No problem.

Coming to the area now.

Oh, this is this is a really nice area.

I had to look at some of the prices.

So you want to get a flat here?

This is around £170,000.


And the house was about £245,000.

So it's pretty good.

How much you're looking at the save.


So if you went for a flat, thats 10% deposit, about £70,000, you could save up.


And here I am going to talk about some tips that help you get there.

So, number one, I want you to remember, it is more than just saving for your deposit.

Yeah, there are other costs involved.

The list of fees, mortgage brokers, moving costs is a lot more.

It goes into it.

so as well as your 10% you need to save up.


Maybe put together an extra four or £5,000 just to cover.

Just be there.

Yeah, sure.




Number two, don't set yourself any possible targets.

I know you mentioned you want to buy a house by 30 yet, but I don't want to put too much pressure on yourself to achieve, as I said.

It's really important that you understand that this is your your first home.

It doesn't have to be your dream home.

And so we can build from there.

That's all I want you to do is focus in on the deposit.

So talk to me about how much have you save right now?

Probably about six.

Seven grand max.

My gosh.

And how much are you saving on a monthly basis?

Maybe about 400.


All right.

So where are you saving your money?

At the moment, I've.

Got one of these kind of lifetime ISAs.

I've got stocks of shares ones, and I've got my normal current account.



I'm so happy to hear that you got a lifetime, Isa.

That's a great account, especially for a first time buyer.

All right, so are you maxing out your lifetime assets?

Probably not.

Not at the moment All right.

So you can pull up to £4,000 a year into a lifetime, Isa, and you get 25% on top interest from the government.

So that should be your main focus.

That's where most of your money should be.

And once you've maxed out, then you can look at putting money into the other stuff.

That is so important.

You put your money in the right places to work for you.

If Iz sves this 4000 a year and the last time I saw you get 25 times more interest than what you get on a typical savings account, it's a no brainer.

What I'm happy to say is, is that if you carry on with what you're doing max out the lifetime Isa you will get see your goal before the age of 30.

How does that feel?


So if I could focus on things probably about two bedrooms, something around a 180 mark So team got an amazing video message from Az.

Hi, guys.

Thank you guys so much for your help.


So I've been maxing out my lifetime Isa now to benefit, you know, the government bonuses that you can get a.

Nick Thank you.

I really enjoyed our sit down chat.

I'm really starting to put myself first here.

Thanks for your advice.

My takeaway intake is dramatically decreased, but you got one confession to make a country about the beast.

Best of all, I finally took your advice.

Took a long overdue holiday away from work.

Cheers guys!

Oh, that was lovely.

Really nice Being such a lovely guy.

Honestly, I'm so happy for him, you know?

Now he's got a goal.


You know, he's going to be able to buy the house that he wants.

Listen, just so I'm so happy for him He's really taking our tips and just run with it.

He really has.

You know what, it couldnt happen to a nicer guy.

So, honestly, honestly, brilliant.

Really, he deserves every.

Every bit of this.

Hands in, hands in.


On to the next one

Despite having four jobs and working 60 hours a week, hardworking paramedic Az still lives at home with his mum and three sisters at age 27. He has a great relationship with his family, but dreams of being a home owner by the age of 30. This yearning for independence comes under greater pressure when Az compares himself to his peers on social media – they’re buying their own homes and having families.

How can he save for his first home and what are the steps he needs to take to get on the property ladder? Our experts look at where Az’s hard-earned money is going and where there’s wiggle room for saving and investing. By creating an individual action plan, our experts help Az on his journey to becoming a home owner. They’ll even look at ways to help him get a better work/life balance too, so he can see friends in real life too rather than just on social media. Win-win.

Episode 3: Making savings work harder

My name is Luna.

I'm a transgender woman.

And I want big tits.

We are going to the seaside.

We'll get you some ice cream.

Does anyone know Luna's story?

Hi, my name is Luna, I'm 30 years old and I live in Brighton.

Unfortunately, I'm a bit of a money hoarder and I really need your help.

Work and the beach.

What more could you want?

Oh, there you are.

We are here to help you.

I heard that you've been saving hard and you're a really good saver.

But now it's time to get you to invest in you, which is the best investment you can make.

Absolutely I couldn't agree more.

Should we start with your mindset first?


Let's do it.

So the first thing I really want to know about is what did you learn about money growing up?

My parents kind of didn't really have a lot of money when I grew up.

So I basically had that mindset continuously.

So when I reached like adulthood, I essentially thought I don't want to be in any debt.

So therefore I saved all my money, wouldn't spend it on anything, and I just put it all in one place, like a little pot of gold.

Would you describe yourself as a money hoarder?


I like seeing my money in one place.

If I was to move that or separate it, I'd kind of feel that I've lost it.

You've got this money sat there.

What are you intending it for?

It's quite personal.

So I am currently going through transitioning.

Like male to female.

I want to appear more outsidely as a woman.

And one of the main things I want is a breast augmentation or, well, boob job to put it clearly.



For me, I think as a trans woman, I like the idea of feminising my body so I reach the gender that I have, that's inside of me.

Being able to be more comfortable with your body and actually on the outside now as well.

It just would make me happy.


I was like, What do I want my money for?

And that's the only thing that stands out to me.

That's the thing that's really, really there for you.


Saving money is a healthy habit, but it becomes a problem if it is at the detriment of everything else your money needs to do.

Once you're aware you need to make a change, start small and build slowly.

For example, start moving your savings to a place that's out of sight and get used to not needing to check in on it every single day.

What I will say is there's a lot of value in separating up your accounts.

You know, right now you've got everything in one place because you want to see all.

But when you separate it up, it gives you a better track of your finances.

You can see your expenses.

You can see exactly how much you've got, and not have to kind of guesstimate where you're at.

You know exactly where you're at.

My second tip to you would be to have an emergency fund.

Having that financial safety net.


Right it's a big thing for you.

So having an emergency fund will help you to know that you've got a pot of money there dedicated to whenever you need it.

If something happens, you know you've got that money to fall back on.


What I would say is to figure out an amount that's comfortable for you, right?

It might be two, three hundred, whatever it looks like for you and your finances and put that away every month so you can start to build up that emergency fund.

You don't need to rush and take it out of the money you've saved, because I know that is towards your bigger goal.

You can just start gradually going forward, picking an amount and putting that away into the emergency fund so you've got that, right.

That sounds good.

My top tip is to plan out your financial goal.

Once you have a goal in mind it's a lot easier to put it into practise.

With this you can work backwards.

Work out how much you need to save, when you want to save it by, and this will give you monthly amount to put away each month.

That way you can reach your goals in the timeframe that you want.

In my mind, when you come to save, you just like put like a thousand away when in fact you can just put like 20.

Obviously, up into this point, you've been hoarding your money in one account.

But it's never too late to make that change.

So, Luna, tell me, how much have you saved so far?

About seven grand.


I'd say I'm on the seven grand mark now.


And the target is?

So, see I wanna say it's ten grand, but I want to say maybe put it at 11 just so I have everything covered.


I could honestly do this, do it this year if I wanted to.

What worries me the most is like if I spent all that money at once, I will no longer have my security, my safety net.

If you have to say your fixed cost are like, you know, rent, gas, all that type of stuff, what would you say that amount is?

Probably 1600.

If we looked at having you know that, three times of that.

Your real target is 16.

16 Yeah.


Because that that means that you have enough money to pay for the surgery as well as have enough money for emergencies and the savings.

I think it'd probably be good to stop just having all your money in cash and start to look at maybe investing a bit.


Some of these allow you to start from a pound or £50 or £100 so you can start at something that's comfortable to you.


And then in six months time review it.

If you feel like, okay, actually I get this now a bit more, you can increase it, or in 12 months time, whatever you feel.

So even if we just start with small amounts and get you confident, get you seeing how it works, I think that's something that we should look at going forward.

The great news about investing is that anyone could start investing with an amount they feel comfortable with.

You don't need to have a large amount to see a decent return.

It's really important to remember with investing that you're not guaranteed to get back the amount that you put in.

So it's vital that you balance how much risk you take with your investment.

So always bear in mind, the more potential return you can get it normally means the more risk you're taking.

So always read the small print.

Yeah guys, I got a message from Luna, so let's see how she's been getting on.

Hi, guys.

It was amazing meeting you, and I just wanted to thank you for all the advice and tips that you gave me.

Nikki, I am working a lot on reframing my mindset when it comes to money.

A lot more optimistic about my money at the moment and going forward, I feel like I'm more in a positive place in terms of like not feeling like I have to hoard everything.

Kia I am currently in working on getting like a new savings account and what I've mainly been doing is taking your advice on how to separate things for apps in terms of giving them titles so I can get like a rest fund and just title it like Boob Fund and I quite like that a lot.

So I've been adding that in.

And Emmanuel, I have been saving money for like a rainy day.

Like recently my phone got stolen and that took a big dent into my savings.

Eventually, I think I'm going to look into maybe even a little bit of investing when I feel brave enough.



Thanks very much, guys.

Come on, come on, come on.

That was so nice.

I'm so happy to see that she started an emergency fund.

She can start to feel a lot safer with her money and not feel as like she needs to be, you know, hold it all together and hoard it.

Yeah, and I know it can be hard with more open accounts, it's a lot of work to begin with, but once you've done it now your automated.

Not have to worry about it, don't have to think about it.

Like clockwork.


It's done.

But this is such an emotional journey for Luna isn't it and this is the start of it is so exciting.

I love seeing how she's just changing and flourishing with everything we've helped her with.

So yeah.


I can't wait to see the next chapter for her.

I know.

I'm super excited.

Oh my gosh.

Guys we've done it again.

Right hands in.

Three, Two, One Woo.

Luna, aged 30 from Brighton, is on a journey of personal transformation. She wants to appear more outwardly feminine, so she’s working towards her goal of gender affirming surgery. Luna’s already a great saver, but her hoarding mind-set means she prefers to keep all her money in one place – rather than making it work for her. That means it’s taking longer to meet her goal than she’d like.

Our experts explore Luna’s hoarding behaviour and show her how to make the most of her savings, while still having fun and treating herself. She gets guidance on splitting up her accounts, keeping a rainy day fund and what she needs to think about if she’s considering investing.

Episode 4: Getting ready to be a parent

Mom, I want to ask you.

You know your son very well.

So how was he with money?



Every single one.

They're my babies man, like really.

You've got a baby on the way Rashaun Hi, guys.

We're having a baby.

But also trying to move in together as well.

So we're going to need some support with our finances.

So can you please help.


The average child costs around £150,000 to raise to 18 and I've got four.

You've got four, Oh my gosh.



Hello Oh, Hiya.

You alrite yeah.

The all important question.

Why do you have money on your mind?

Well, we have a baby on the way.

Due in four months.

Oh, my gosh.

Very soon.

We're currently looking to buy our first house as well.

So we've been saving as well so we need some help from you guys.

Let's start with, no not you.



Hey, Hiya.

So we're going to look at your money mindsets, come through.

So now we're going to play to see.

How well you know each other.

Oh gosh we're gonna be put to the test.

Who is the biggest spender?

Pretty unanimous.


Who earns the most?


You both say you spend the most and you both say you earn the most.

So what's going on there?

At times it can be difficult.

He does spend money.

I am like, we have a baby on the way.

We need to get back on track.

But yeah, we do have a little bickers here and there, just about spending how much the items cost, how much the shoes cost.

Do you really need it?

We're actually ultra impulsive and I'll be like, yeah, I've bought a game today.

So do you think there's an element of FOMO in all of this?

So fear of missing out.

Fear of missing out on the game?

I most definitely think so, because obviously it's the thing of, my friends will probably have the game and, aw you getting the game like.


Ok, yeah.

Would you say you're a bit more controlling person?

I would say that I more I don't know.

I don't know.

No, ok no.

When I know that things are kind of going sideways, I like to bring it back.

This is where it's going to be, isn't it?

This is where you have to make sure that you're open and honest about all of this.

Unplanned spending can be emotionally driven over the next couple of weeks.

Start to identify your unplanned spending and look at the emotions behind that.

It's really helpful to know if boredom or excitement or just guilt or frustration is causing you to spend.

Once you identify that, you can change it.

How you feeling, how you feeling?

There's so many priorities right now.

It's an overload.

We're trying to just, you know, balance everything, all the thoughts/ getting things done.

No that's great.

That's great.

So I'm gonna give you some of my, my top tips.

You know, I've got a couple of kids.

Well four to be precise.

I tell myself a couple to feel better, but, yeah, that's when I remember the other two.

Listen, I count everything in.

Nappies and wipes, so my friends will be like, Let's go on holiday.

I'll be like, that's like a hundred wipes and like 500 nappies.

I'ma stay at home, d'you know what I mean, they cost a lot.

So it's really important to have an account for that, but also to start saving for your child's future.

So you can open a junior ISA once you get the birth certificate, and then they can take over it when they're 16.

But they can't start spending or using that money till they're 18.

Having a baby is one of the most amazing moments of your life, so try to use the time before Baby is born to build up a savings pot for future costs such as nappies, wipes, formula, etc.

Another thing that I did was speak to friends and family who recently had kids and ask for any up to date advice.

Mum and Dad are great but, it's been a while.

So my second tip is don't buy loads of stuff.

Listen, the temptation is there.

When I had my first kid, we just walking around, yeah, we'll have one of those we'll have two of those, four of those.

Half of the stuff we did not use.

I remember I bought this big rocking chair for the baby to go.


Baby hated it.

So don't feel like you have to buy everything before the baby gets here, and that way you make sure you actually buy things that you're going to actually use and actually need.

I think tha'ts so helpful because at the moment, at the moment, that is what we're doing yeah.

Making wishlists and, don't forget to get this, and don't forget that.


And then some of the thing I'm just like hmm.

That leads me to my third thing, family and friends are there, use them.

Don't feel like you have to do everything on your own.

Let people know what you're looking for and then they'll be more than happy to help.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to the baby shower.

My last point.

Prepare for the unexpected.

With a baby, anything could happen, like there's not one size fits all.

You've got all lists, got all the plans in place, and we're all ready to go.

But as the famous boxer once said, "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".

And trust me, having a baby can feel like you're getting punched in the face regularly.

All right.

So, we need to make sure you're working together.

you're working as a team, you're not fighting one another, you're supporting each other.

And I promise you, everything will be all right.

We've got this.

I think it's time to get some home truths, and I feel like we've got the best person to help me with that.

So bring on Mum.



You know your son very well.

So how is he with money?



That's the word I'm looking for, Terrible.

Packages keep on coming.

Do they keep.

Even today.



Look what came in the post.

Oh no.


I thought, no, that can't be for Rashaun.

Then half an hour later, two, that's for Rashaun.

There's a lot of shoeboxes here.


This used to be ten times worse, so this is a condensed version.

Wow, this is condensed.

This is condensed.

This is condensed, then my wardrobe is sparse.

Okay, and then we turn around and we've got the games.

Look at all these games you've got.


Well, obviously, when a baby comes, gonna have to have a baby room.


So what do you think, selling some of this to fund that baby room?

I do kind of use all of my shoes I get.

Are you sure you use every single one?

These are my babies man.

Like, really?

You go baby on the way Rashaun,.


You've got to pick a baby.

That's true.

You've got to pick a baby, you do.

That is true.

They're expecting.

How you feeling about that?

I'm happy.


Yes, but are they ready?

I don't think so.

Caroline, how are you feeling?

Yeah, I do agree with Mama, that it can sometimes be hard, sometimes with Rashaun and his packages.

He has a passion for gaming, and it does sometimes overspill into kind of, you know, just things that we're sure and should prioritise in paying for.

And I think sometimes his view is that he wants to get this all out the way before the baby comes.

We have had a great conversation and I've learnt a lot from you guys and from Mum, so thank you guys for giving me everything.

And based on that I've got a few tips that I think will help you guys.

So the first one I will say is Rashaun, I don't think anyone should ever give up what they love and you love gaming and I think you should keep going with that.

But the important thing is it's not just buy when a new games out is actually to plan for that.

Now my favourite way I talk about it all the time is to have a fun fund, for the things that make you happy.

And the second one is, I want you guys to really plan in date nights, right?

Because when the baby comes is going to be pretty much just about the baby.

You start putting money in throughout the month and that you know, you're going to dip into that pot and that pot is dedicated for your date nights.

And lastly is about joint accounts, right?

Joint accounts are super duper important because that way you can put all your money in there and see what you're spending on.

It gives you more visibility on your outgoings.

So I think that will help you guys to really ace it and be the amazing parents I know you guys are going to be.

I'm super excited.

If you want to give your child my middle name, I give you full permission and I'm super excited to see you guys become the amazing parents your going to be.

As first time parents, it's equally important to remember to work on your relationship schedule in monthly dates and create a fun fund to fund those dates.

Whether that's going out, having a picnic whatever you choose to do, you got to put of money there to fund that.

Guys, we got a message from Caroline and Rashaun.

Awe, yeah.

So let's hear what they've got to say.

Hi, guys.


Thank you so much for your support.

We really appreciate it.

I've seen some growth in us.

Yeah, I feel like the first step was freezing the shoes.

And we really have looked into looking at baby's accounts and savings, you know, we're putting in an application and hopefully that will help us with saving.

I feel like we've kind of slowed down on the baby stuff as well we've got whatever we needed that's necessary, and now we're just making time to save.

Yeah, and we've taken on board about the dates and putting together a budget there for the dates and yeah, that's been really helpful.


We just want to say thank you once again for helping us out.

And guys, I really appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

And we'll make sure to send you baby pictures.

Come on.

That is amazing.

It's so great to see that we've helped them out and they can move into the next chapter of their lives together.

Yeah, they're going to be an amazing team for their little one.

And that's what I love about what we do is just, having that little bit, like they set up an account up for their kids and I've played a little part in saving the legacy for the future, like.

Uncle Eman, Uncle Eman.


Guys we've done it again.

We've done it again Come on, high fives all round.

High five.

Let's go.

Woo Woo Ready for the next one?

With the life-changing expense of buying a house and having a baby on the way, young couple Rashaun and Caroline are overloaded with priorities.

The experts help the couple understand the costs involved in becoming a parent and think about what to buy and when to rely on friends and family. They encourage them to talk about their spending and see where they can make any changes – Rashaun needs to swap his trainer obsession for baby wipes to prep for the new arrival!

We also hear from Rashaun’s mum on where his spending habits come from.

Episode 5: How to save for your wedding as an impulsive shopper

I have recently just got engaged to my long term partner and we want to have the wedding of our dreams.

But I have a problem with impulsive buying and impulsive shopping, so I haven't saved any money.

I just really need help to focus on getting my dream wedding.

Alright, so everyone loves weddings, right.

Everyone Does.

Yes, come on, free food.

Someone's gotta pay for it Eman.

Of course, so much money.

So much money.

Whatever happened to a cheese and pickle and a shandy at the registry?

You are terrible.

Here we go.


It's lovely to see you Amber.

So tell us, why do you have money on your mind?

So I got engaged in February.


But now the whole money train is going, like wedding planning.

But I am really, really bad with money, so I really just need some help.

We will help you, and you are going to start off with.



They are not cheap.

Are they?

so how's the saving going for that?

In my mind like, I'm like, oh okay, I'm going to put some money aside and save for this, like, put towards the dress.

But they like, I have like a rubbish day at work or a really stressful day and I'm like, Oh, this looks really nice and this will make me feel happy right now.

So, like, really bad, impulsive shopping.

How often do you check in with your dream vision of your wedding?

I do set time aside once a week where I do like wedding planning.

So what I was thinking of was checking in with it more frequently and every day, reminding yourself when you wake up, this is what I want.


And finding ways to interrupt that moment where you really want to start spending.

So if you can feel into those moments every day, put the music on that you want to have your wedding.

And things like that, to just give you those emotions, give you those feelings so that it hopefully will help you to just put the brake on.

Maybe like keeping, like, some of the photos out or some of the things like that.

So it's like visual reminders that like when I come into the lounge, like, oh, yes there's our wedding, like it's happening.


And when you, when you're most likely to spend.

Oh, thank you so much for being so honest with me.

It's been lovely chatting to you.

Thanks Nikki.

Thank you for having me on here.

If you know you're an impulse spender but have a big goal to reach, you need to remind yourself every single day of what your impulse spending is costing you.

Create a vision board, set reminders on your phone, put notes in books or your purse.

Change your passwords that spell out the goals you want to achieve.

Daily reminders will help you to remember what you stand to lose if you keep impulse spending.

Welcome to my home.

It's lovely.

Lots of stuff.

We have to go discovering.

This is the collection of tea.


I don't drink that much tea any more.

Nail polish stuff.


Body lotion, another shampoo.

Do we use it?

I will eventually use it.


I mean, how much stuff can you have in a bathroom?

Um quite a bit.

Skin care, deodorants, hair care, body products, skin care, and underneath here like female products.


Skin care.

So when you bought it the first time and didn't use it you thouhgt, I'mma go back and get some more.

This is as fresh as it came.

How many times have you used it?

Probably about twice.



The box smells great.

Altogether, we got over £100 in a box in the corner.

We've got work to do.

You've got like a year.

Just over a year to your wedding.

Okay, yeah.

How do you feel?

I feel nervous now, seeing, like, how much I'm spending.

This is the luxury impulse spending.

So we wanna look a bit deeper and see, look, if we were saving this amount, how much would it be?

Wedding dress.

Big part of a wedding, no?


Do you know the average price of a wedding dress in the UK?

If I had to guess, I'd say maybe about £2,000 or something.

You got expensive taste as we've seen.

It's normally around £1200.


Still a lot.

But if we look at just your soaps and candles,.


Just these two alone will get you to £960.

So like, literally short of the wedding dress.

I'm so close to it.

Another important part.


The average photographer in the UK costs around £1,000.

It's a lot of money.

If we look at the teas and hot chocolate and we put them together, that will give you a total of £672, which again is a long way towards.

I've got loads of tea and hot chocolate, or to last me till then, so.


You probably got enough for your wedding guests too.

If you watch the pennies, the pounds will take care of themselves.

Amber is all about impulse spending, which feels great.

I'm buying small things regularly.

However, spending small amounts regularly adds up over the longer term and actually adds up to a large amount, which is stopping Amber reaching her financial goals.

To overcome this, Amber needs to reduce her impulse spending, create a plan and stick to it so she can reach her financial goals.

I wanna tell you, you're not alone.

A lot of people are impulse spending.

It's online.

Online's my weekness.

Online is a weakness.

It's just so easy.

Go on your phone?


You shop.

It doesn't feel as much hard work.

Yeah, you just double tap about it.


And then, before you know it's at your door.


But don't worry, I've got some tips to help you.


So a big one, number one that I even use myself is I want you to actually create a budget that is dedicated to making those purchases.

So if you put aside some money and you say, right, every month this is the pot I'm going to dip into, you know, make those purchases, that makes those purchases feel not as bad.

You know, you can actually, I'm actually able to buy this.

I've budget for it so I can actually treat myself to this.

The second one is you can put spending limits on your current accounts.

You set a limit up so you can't actually spend more than that.

So it'll help you when it comes to impulse purchases.

Help you to actually curb that.


So is it like if I say, like, I can't spend more than £100.


Like something like that.

Sometimes when I'm like, okay, I'm going to treat myself to shopping day and I go shopping, I'm like, Oh, I've somehow spent like £350.


How did that happen?

I'm like I only went to like four shops.

So, like, I think when I have that little bit it's like, okay, cool.

I've only got this amount of money.

What do I really want?

What do I really need?


Like it's not just a free for all shopping day.


And then the final one, and this is one that I've been doing for years, is the 48 hour method.

So let's say you are, you have that feeling you want impulse spend, right.

And you see a dress online and you really want it.

What I want you to do is to take that dress and put in your basket.

But leave it there.


Don't checkout out.

Leave it in your basket.



So when you do it that way, you can actually, it helps you to rationalise, did I really want it?

Or was I just wanting something to do.

Was it just like a spur of the moment kinda thing?

Exactly was it spur of the moment?

So if you try that out, I think you'll find that a lot of the purchases that maybe you have made up until this point.

Maybe were impulse, maybe you didn't actually really want them.


You know, If it's still on your mind in 48 hours time, then you can go ahead.

I think about that, like sometimes when something arrives I'm like, I can't even remember ordering this.


Like, When did I order this?

Why did I order this?

I'm excited, you can put some more money away towards your big day, which is amazing.


Thank you so much.

If you want to kerb the habit of impulse spending, when shopping online, whatever you want to buy, add it to a basket, but leave it in there.

If in 48 hours time you still want to buy it, then go ahead, you can buy it.

But the likelihood is you probably would have forgotten about it in your basket and you didn't actually want it, saving yourself that impulse purchase that you would have made at that point.

Guys, we got a message from the lovely Amber, I'll can't wait to hear.

Awe brilliant.

Hi, guys.

Just want to say a massive thank you to Nikki, Emanuel and Kia, you guys, your tips and your help has been amazing.

I have now stopped buying candles and extra products that I don't necessarily need.

I've got my partner on board.

He's hold me accountable.

You guys are holding me accountable.

I'm going to save.

I'm going to make this my dream wedding and pay for it myself.

And I just want to say thank you again for all the help.


Oh, that is great.

So cute.

D'you know what, I think impulse spending is something that a lot of people, you know, a lot of people do.

But, I'm happy that I've been able to give her some tips to help her curb that, and reach her amazing big day.

She's on track, she can do it.

Come on.

Amber is saving for her dream wedding, but it’s proving to be a challenge because of her impulsive spending habits. She has a passion for skincare products, candles and tea but doesn’t even use what she buys – and now she has a wedding dress and photographer to save for.

The money experts come to the rescue. They share tips on how to stay focused on saving while combatting that shopping urge. Together they explore how cutting down on purchases can help Amber and her partner get to their wedding goal on time.

Episode 6: The end of the road

How would you describe your relationship with money in one word?



Amazing come on my guy.



I spend too much.


Why complicated?

I've got enough of it, but also never have enough.

Makes sense.

Yo Ki, we're here.

We're here.

We're in Scotland.

So let's go and see why people in Scotland have money on their minds.

Come on.

Hi can ask you a few questions about money?


Can I ask you some questions?




What's your biggest money ick?

I'd probably say people that are really, really tight on money.

So like they'll ask for like, to transfer an extra 50p kind of thing.

When people complain about how much something costs, like a really expensive item, but then just continue to buy it anyway.

Putting it into places that have got enough money already.

Do you know what I mean, like I always think, you know, if you've got a little bit of money spent it local, don't give it to big companies like they've got enough.

What do you do for money?

I co own a salon.

That's really cool.

I work in retail, but I'm also doing a masters.

I've got a nice big loan out for that one, a little bit of bank of mum and dad.

Gotta pay them back at some point.

What is the best purchase you've ever made?

The best purchase?

Probably my pram I would say, I You're pram.

Probably this jacket to be honest with you.

You're jacket's a nice jacket.

I wear it all the tim.

Yo Ki.

You call yourself a financial guru.

I do.

I'm a real financial advisor.

Okay, we don't need to put real in there.


Let's battle this out.


Let's see who's winning.

Who's more likely to give a tip?

Come on.

She knows.

I'm generous.

I've let you tip everywhere Kind to strangers, take a five.

I'm like, I'm that guy.

Who is more likely to be the savviest saver.

Hmm I'm going to scream.


I'm gonna say me.

Why you?

Okay, I want to hear why you?

The one thing I always say is to make sure you got a plan, have a budget.

Very Important.

Like don't just let your money come in and out.

Deals and discounts is always my thing.

So I always tell people to make use of cashback.

How are we were saving?

I don't have any savings.

Like I just spend my money.

I don't save any.

I do like to live a little bit in the moment.


And it can be like a bit hard for me to say no to people.


When I get invited out to go do things, go for dinner.

When it comes to saying no to people, don't feel bad.

Your money is planned for other things.

You live by yourself?

Eh no, I live with my twin brother.

Twins as in identical.

Yeah, yeah.

And you look the same time?

Yeah exactly.

Oh, wow.

When it comes to bills in a house, how do you guys work that one out?

I feel like some we're resentful of each other because I'll maybe pick up the bill this time, he'll pick up the bill next time.

I don't know what ways I could do for it to be absolutley equally down the middle.

Maybe you two should look into getting a joint account together.

And it's just for bills.

That way you're splitting it down the middle.

And there's also apps that allow you to actually split bills.

So like you said, there is no more of you picking up slightly more.

Yeah, yeah.


Would you tell like your mum or dad your salary?

No, I feel like people who have a lot of money are always the ones to talk about how they have a lot of money.

Yeah, I would tell my mum how much I earn.

Probably so that she would maybe help me out a little more.

I don't check my payslips very often.

Oh my goodness.

I probably should.

We need to check our payslips, but also need to talk about money with other people to make sure we know if we're getting paid the right thing because someone could do the exact same job and be getting paid more and how would you know?

So tell me, what's your biggest purchase?

Eh, I bought a watch.


What if type of watch?

I'm talking about.

I cannot stop buying candles.

What's the most expensive candle you've bought?

I need to know.

It was £150, but it down from £600.

I know, I know.

You bought a £600 candle!

A jumper.

£400 on a jumper.

Wow, that must have kept you warm.

I didn't wear it.



Hello Hello.


How are you guys getting on?

Yeah, good.

There's some really good questions coming through.


One person in a couple earns more than the other.

The question is around, well, how do they manage their finances in that situation?

Having that conversation understanding where you're both at, you know, because you are in a partnership and that is what happens sometimes.

Yeah with me and my wife, for example, we, we share our bills 70/30 because I earn more.

Sometimes it's about looking at yourself as, rather than just as individuals, but as a team, you're working towards your goals together.

One thing that a lot of people don't realise is that it can affect your credit score.

So for example, if you have a good credit score and your partner you're joining with may not have a good credit score, that can actually impact yours.

Another question that's come in that's quite interesting.

How do I start a conversation with friends about money and money mindsets without coming across as nosy.

People find it uncomfortable to talk about money.



But I always think it's good, if you're going to have that conversation with friends, what I do myself is I start by talking about myself.

And people just tend to feel more open and want to have more of that conversation.

I was interested about the use of the word nosy.

That implies that it's a, it's a bad thing to ask about money.

Well, actually, no, we should all be talking about it.

We should be open about money.

So actually raising that question is really great because I hope that person's going to have some awesome money conversations.

Yes, hopefully Yeah.

All right, Nikki, we're off.

Oh, Okay.

To the streets.

What would you do if you had £100,000 cash.

Put it away.

Put it away?

All of it.

I would definitely go on holiday.

Probably invest some of it as well.

Be a little bit more sensible and probably buy some more shoes.

£95,000's a house deposit or it's half an investment property you know, in certain places in Glasgow.

Very wise for such a young man.

Loving it, loving it.

I would love to get myself a really posh car.

Okay, what car would you get then?

What car wouldn't I get.

What does money mean to you?

Money is, eh.

Well it's flexibility.

How would you describe your relationship with money in one word?

Eh, complicated?


Amazing, come on my guy.



I spend too much.


Why complicated?

I've got enough of it, but kind of also never have enough.

We're seening the cost of living crisis getting worse and worse.

Are you finding that you and your friends are talking about this stuff?

Oh, yeah, 100%.

Definitely something that's on a lot of people's minds, especially yeah at my age.


Let's play a game of 'Would You Rather?

' Yeah.

Love this.

All right let's play.

Got you.

Question One.

Would you rather have three different TV streaming services or have someone wash your car once a month?

Watch my car.

Wash my car.

I hate washing the car.

Ah it's the worst thing ever.

Oh, my gosh.

Wash my car.

Would you rather go out for a fancy dinner once a month or have a takeaway every weekend?

I'm a take away, I'm from the hood.

I think a fancy dinner.

Get dressed up, whack on them heels.

Yeah, you fancy innit, look at your jacket.

You fancy.

I'm very basic.

Would you rather have enough money for a wedding or a deposit on a house?

Oh, please.

Registry office works just as well.

Come on, come on, tell them.


Yeah, deposit.

I wish I knew this before because I would have told my wife.

You know, the average wedding cost around £30,000 so can you imagine that towards a deposit?

So how did it go?

It was really fun, right?

It was amazing.

So much fun.

So much energy.

You know, this has been a great time.

You know, not only just Glasgow.


But all the contributors who we met in the airstream.

We've been in their shoes.


We know what it feels like.

Everyone's got money problems.

And money means different things to different people.


I feel like I've learnt so much.

Yeah really.

I've learnt so much from meeting everyone and doing this, this has been a great time.

So you know what time is?



Hands in.

Alright, three, two one.



So I almost got killed bt the Harry Potter bird.

What the flip?

So I want to ask you, wait I forgot the question.

I mean, why did I do this.

What did I do this for?

Eman, no.

Make sure you don't miss it.

These birds need to pick a place to land.

Na, they need to make their mind up.

I don't know what's going on.

All right, guys.

What would you do for £100,000 cash?


Oh, with a £100,000, I thought you said for?

For nah, he said for but he meant with.

Ah, big man.

What you doing?

If I get poo'd on that's a wrap, It doesn't matter where we are.

It's a wrap.

Watch the three experts as they take to the streets of Glasgow to ask members of the public about their relationship with money, their spending habits and their money ‘icks’.

You get to see another side of the experts as they turn their expertise on each other to find out how they manage money, and they answer some key questions on money worries from the streets.

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