The debt lift

Start your money workout

Tackle each debt in turn to gain more control. 

If you have multiple debts, start paying more than the minimum on the most urgent one with an intention to clear them all.

The debt lift card

How to work out

Step 1

Look at your spending habits and see what you could cut out or reduce, like magazine subscriptions, and put aside the money you’d normally spend.

Step 2

Each month, use this money to pay more than the minimum on your debt, and save on chargeable interest. Check that your lender allows overpayments first. 


Step 3

Keep the workout card where you can see it, like on the fridge, as a daily reminder. Once the most important debt is cleared, move onto the next one and repeat the steps.

Workout kit

You can use these tools to help complete your goal.

Mobile phone with category icons

Your Barclays app

Tap ‘Spending’ to see how much you spend in each category – the leisure one might be good to start with for reducing non-essentials.

You need to be 16 or over to use the app. T&Cs apply.

A man and woman are budgeting with a laptop and calculator

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A person counting coins in their hand

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