How does remortgaging work?
Finding a new mortgage lender
Remortgaging means moving your mortgage to a new lender while staying in the same property. Our guide can help you decide if it’s right for you.
How remortgaging works
Find out why moving your mortgage to us from your current lender could be right for you – and how the remortgaging process works.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
Finding a new mortgage lender
Remortgaging means moving your mortgage to a new lender while staying in the same property. Our guide can help you decide if it’s right for you.
Work out which kind of mortgage you could afford
Use our mortgage calculators to work out how much you could borrow and how much deposit you need for a mortgage.
Take the first step to your mortgage
Start an Agreement in Principle (AiP) online to find out quickly if you could borrow the amount you need – without affecting your credit score.
Mortgages for unlocking your dream home
If you're thinking of buying your dream home, we're here to help seven days a week (except bank holidays). Call our mortgage experts any day between 7am and 8pm1.
Put your savings to work with an offset mortgage
Reduce your monthly payments or pay off your mortgage sooner by offsetting other accounts with us against your mortgage balance – find out how.
You could consider taking out life, or life and critical illness insurance alongside your mortgage. These covers are designed to offer some financial protection against the unexpected. Your loved ones would receive a lump-sum payment if you died and, depending on your cover, could receive a lump sum if you were diagnosed with a critical illness, which could help repay your mortgage.
If you already bank with us, you can open a chat in Online Banking.
Our mortgage experts are available Monday to Friday from 7am to 8pm, and from 7am to 5pm at weekends. To maintain a quality service, we may monitor or record phone calls. Call charges.
If you’ve submitted an application, use your Track It reference to find out what stage it’s at.
If you call an 03 number, you’ll be charged your standard rate.Return to reference