A man and a woman look at a laptop together.

Third-party access to bank accounts

There may be circumstances – now or in the future – where you or someone else will need a bit of help with managing money. There are many types of third-party access available, so it’s important you choose the right one.

Choosing the right option

You’ll need to carefully decide which option works best for you – for both now and the long term. You can always change it in the future, if your needs change.

Select the options below to find out more. Or if you need a little more help deciding, use our side-by-side comparison table below.

Power of attorney

A power of attorney (PoA) is a legal document that gives someone the authority to make decisions about property and finances on someone else’s behalf.

Authorised users

If you want help managing your account, you can sign up someone you trust as an account supervisor or additional cardholder. You’ll stay in control and can set limits on what they can do.

Third-party authority

A third-party authority is a temporary arrangement between you and someone you trust to access your bank accounts with us on your behalf.

Court of Protection order

The Court of Protection (CoP) has the power to appoint a deputy to act on someone else’s behalf if they no longer have the mental capacity make their own financial decisions.


This allows a delegated person to manage benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) on behalf of someone who’s unable to make financial decisions for themselves.

Guardianship (missing persons) order

A court can appoint a trusted person to be the guardian of a missing person’s property and financial affairs. 

Not sure which type of authority is right for you?

Take a look at our comparison table to help you decide on the right option.

  Authorised users – Additional cardholders Authorised users –  Account supervisors Third-party authority General power of attorney Lasting power of attorney Court of Protection order
I need short-term support.            
I need someone to have a card on my account to help me pay for things.            
I want to be able to set permissions for someone to spend from my account and limit how much and where they can spend my money using the app.            
I want someone to be able to see my account balance and transactions.            
I want someone to be able to set permissions for me to spend from my account and limit how much and where I can spend my money using the app.            
I’m preparing for a time when someone I trust may need to take control of my finances.            
I need to take control of someone’s finances who has limited mental capacity.            

Other options not shown above include appointeeship and guardianship.

Extra help and advice

Citizens Advice

Get free advice on legal, debt, consumer, housing and other problems.

Office of the Public Guardian (OPG)

Information about managing money for someone else.

Financial abuse

Information on how you can keep your money safe and where to find help – either for yourself or someone you know.

Ways to contact us

Choose the best option to suit your needs.


If you’ve already registered for Telephone Banking and need to make a transaction on someone’s behalf, call us on 0345 734 53451 , or +44 24 7684 21002 if you're aboard.


If you’d like to come and see us, you can book a time that suits you at any of our branches.


If you’d prefer to write to us, you can send a letter to

Barclays Delegated Authority Team
Barclays Service Centre,
LE87 2BB

Help and tools

Living with illness or disability

How to get the right support with your finances and for your wellbeing

 A woman sits on a sandy beach watching a child playing in the surf

Handling your finances after loss

Losing someone can affect more than how you feel

After Clare lost her husband, her life changed dramatically. She was worried about looking after her finances and staying on top of things.


How we can help and support you

Dealing with the financial affairs of someone close to you when you’re grieving is never easy. We hope our guide will help you through this difficult time.