
Guide to ISAs

ISA allowances and rules explained

ISAs offer a tax-efficient way to save and invest. Find out what they are and how they work.

Is your flexible cash ISA maturing soon?

If your fixed term is ending, explore your options for what you can do next.

What’s an ISA?

An ISA is an Individual Savings Account – it lets you save or invest money in a tax-efficient way.

If you earn interest outside of an ISA, it’ll count towards your annual personal savings allowance (PSA), and you might need to pay income tax on it. With an ISA, the interest you earn doesn’t count towards your PSA, which is why your returns are ‘tax-free’.

However, keep in mind that tax rules can change in future and their effects on you will depend on your individual circumstances.

You can pay into more than one cash ISA in the same tax year.

However, you can only pay into one cash ISA with us each tax year right now. You can still open and pay into cash ISAs with different providers, as long as you don't pay in more than £20,000 across all the ISAs you have.

You’ll need to be 18 or over and a UK resident to open a cash ISA. Crown employees based overseas and their spouses can also open a cash ISA.

If you’re over 16 and already have an Instant Cash ISA with us, you can still pay into it as long as you don’t go over your annual ISA allowance and you don’t pay into more than one cash ISA in the tax year. After you turn 18, you can open and subscribe to more than one cash ISA in the same tax year with different providers.

You can also download our Guide to ISAs  [PDF, 5MB]for more information. 

There are four main types of ISA to choose from:

Cash ISAs

A cash-only savings account based on a fixed or variable interest rate.

Investment ISAs

Also known as a Stocks and Shares ISA. This account lets you hold a wide range of assets, including funds, shares, bonds and exchange traded funds. Unlike cash ISAs, these can fall in value as well as rise.

Innovative Finance ISAs

This higher risk option lets you lend your savings out to borrowers through peer-to-peer lending platforms, where interest earned is tax-free.

Lifetime ISAs

The Lifetime ISA could help you get on the property ladder for the first time or contribute towards your retirement savings. 

You can save up to £4,000 per tax year and you’ll get a 25% government bonus when you pay into a lifetime ISA. For every £4 you save, you’ll get a bonus of £1. 

We don’t offer Innovative Finance ISAs or Lifetime ISAs.

What’s the ISA allowance?

It’s the amount you can pay in to your ISAs each tax year, without paying tax on any money your ISAs make. You can pay up to £20,000 into your ISAs in the current tax year.

Here’s how you can use it:

  • You can use your ISA allowance in full by paying £20,000 into cash ISAs, Investment ISAs or Innovative Finance ISAs
  • Alternatively, you can split your ISA allowance and use it across the four different types of ISA (subject to individual account limits), as long as you don’t pay in more than £20,000 across them all
  • You can pay in up to £4,000 in each tax year to your Lifetime ISA
  • If you opened a Help to Buy: ISA by 30 November 2019, you can pay in up to £1,200 in your first deposit and up to £200 each calendar month until 30 November 2029. This counts towards your cash ISA allowance.

Each payment you make to any of your ISAs will count towards your overall annual ISA allowance.

Which ISA might be right for you?

A cash ISA might be right for you if you’re looking for a savings option with easy access to your money. 

If you’re prepared to take on the risk that you might lose money in exchange for a potentially higher return, you might want an investment ISA. Alternatively, you might want to consider using your other savings and investment tax allowances outside an ISA.

Keep in mind that unlike cash savings, the value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you invest. Tax-free means you won’t pay UK tax on any income or capital gains your ISA makes, provided all ISA conditions are met. Tax rules can also change, and their effects on you will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

Whether an ISA’s right for you will depend on your needs and circumstances. The information provided above is not a recommendation. It’s important to consider all the benefits of each account and seek independent advice if you’re unsure. 

Helpful insights

Take a look at some of our resources to help you decide if you should use your allowance.

Money doesn't on ZZZZZs

A new tax year means a new ISA allowance

Start using your new ISA allowance now and make your money work harder.

Terms, conditions and ISA rules apply. Investments can fall as well as rise so you might not get back what you invest.