Bereavement jargon buster
The person appointed to manage an estate when there isn’t a will, or when the executor is unable, or unwilling, to act.
Individual items of property, money or possessions that belonged to the deceased.
The person who’s entitled to receive money or property from a will or intestacy.
Confirmation of the estate
In Scotland, this is the legal document obtained from the court after a death. It’s the equivalent to the Grant of Probate obtained in England and Wales.
Death certificate
This is the legal document given by the registrar when a person dies – it’s a copy of the signed entry in the death register, and confirms the date, cause and location of death.
This covers everything an individual owns, such as money, property and possessions, and everything that’s registered in their name.
This is the person named in a will, who carries out the wishes defined within the will.
Grant of Probate
Where there is a will, this document authorises the person dealing with the estate (the executor) to follow its wishes.
Inheritance Tax
The tax paid to HMRC on the deceased’s estate.
This term is used when someone dies without making a valid will.
Lasting power of attorney (LPA)
Lasting powers of attorney let you appoint trusted people as ‘attorneys’ to take care of your financial affairs, or your health and care.
Legacy, bequest or devise
A gift in a will.
Letters of Administration
This is the official document that gives the personal representative the right to manage the estate when there is no will.
Personal representative
The person responsible for dealing with the estate of someone who’s died, either the executor or the administrator.
Power of attorney
A legal document where someone appoints a person to act on their behalf or represent them.
This refers to the legal right to deal with a deceased person’s affairs. It’s sometimes called ‘administering the estate’.
Probate Registry
The name of the public body responsible for issuing the grants of representation. There are local District Probate Registries around the UK.
The person who is given powers of administration of property in trust.
A legal document that sets out what a person wants to happen to their assets after they die.

What to do when someone dies
What we’ll do next
Once you’ve notified us, we’ll make the process of closing the accounts as smooth as possible.

Things to consider
From registering the death to dealing with the person’s financial affairs, we’ll support you at every step, ensuring you have the guidance and care needed at this difficult time.

Financial and emotional support
Life after loss
We’ll give you practical help to get you through the first weeks and months following a bereavement, and tell you about free services that can help you cope with your loss.
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Get help or contact us
Choose how you prefer to let us know when someone dies.
If you’ve already let us know and want to talk to us about it, you can call us on 0800 068 2238(1) (option 2) to speak directly to a dedicated advisor from our bereavement team. Please use (option 1) if you would like to notify us by phone.
We’re available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm, and Saturdays, 9am to 2pm.
Book an appointment
To speak to us via video or at a branch, book an appointment. For video calls, we’ll confirm the required documents and how to send them.
If you’ve already contacted us and need to follow up, call 0800 068 2238(1) (option 2) Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm, and Saturdays, 9am to 2pm.
Death notification service
You can also notify a number of banks and building societies about a person’s death at the same time using the Death Notification Service.
You can also send a letter to Bereavement Service Centre, Barclays Bank PLC, Leicester, LE87 2BB.
If you have a personal reference number, beginning with BRV, please add it to any pages you send us.
Important information
Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 2pm. Closed on bank holidays. Call charges.(Return to reference)